Report A Concern
It is never easy to come forward and report concerns regarding safeguarding or welfare. However, you can call or text our designated safeguarding leads via 07546614756 or 07729720149 for help.
In many cases, it is not easy to tell if the actions of an individual or an organisation constitutes abuse, even to those who have years of experience. This is especially so for those who work in voluntary positions. However, all adults who are working or volunteering in lacrosse have a duty of care to remain vigilant and report any suspicions of poor practice or abuse of a child or vulnerable adult in the sport.
It is not your responsibility to decide if an abuse has taken place, but it is your responsibility to report any concerns you might have to the appropriate person or organisation.
If you have concerns about the welfare of a person or the practices of a club or association, it is very important you report it. This should communicated to your club or regional Welfare Officers, who should be known to you, or to England Lacrosse Safeguarding. If you are concerned someone might be in immediate danger, please call the police on 999 and email [email protected] as a follow up.
For out-of-hours advice and guidance you can contact the NSPCC on 0808 800 5000 / [email protected] or the Child Protection in Sport Unit on 0116 366 5590 / [email protected].
The Child Protection in Sport Unit (CPSU) offer various e-resources and videos on what to do if you have any concerns about a child in sport. You can access their Keeping Children Safe in Sport Campaign animation here, visit their parent’s hub, or explore their free e-learning course here. You can also find a video guide from the NSPCC on how to respond to a disclosure or allegation of abuse by clicking here.